Letting yourself enjoy the scenery and giving your body a break sounds good to me. You’ve got that figured out. What a treat to see your journey!

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Jun 10Liked by Joline El-Hai

Such beautiful landscapes and scenery! Safe travels home, Joline.

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Spot on, Jo! Wise words and evocative fotos. Not too much, but just enough. Classy and friendly both.

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Jun 9Liked by Joline El-Hai

Having just flown home from visiting family in Georgia, I can relate to the identity issues. I found myself wondering how I can call a place home where there is no family.

Beautiful photos of water and Girona.

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I hope you had a great visit in Georgia!

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Thank you. Did.

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Jun 9Liked by Joline El-Hai

Wow! Far out!!!! Way to be Jojo!!!


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Jun 8Liked by Joline El-Hai

Wonderful reflections, Joline. Stunning scenery and photos. I wish we had some of that exquisite stonework and architecture here, eh? You have chosen or been steered to beautiful sightseeing! Have enjoyed coming along vicariously. Yum to both the Botanic Garden and the Coca!! It's always a gift to have someone cook for you. And now, Barcelona!! More stunning architecture! Safe travels, my friend!

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Jun 8Liked by Joline El-Hai

EXQUISITE photos!!! Enjoyment of the NOW is a learning curve - right? But, you got there. Love the water lilies where you sat instead of walking 6 more miles. I feel so bad that you will be returning just as the election shit gets going, but perhaps that will help you decide what to do next. Can you take a flock of chickens on a plane? Happy travels to and from home

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Chickens have delicate constitutions and I fear a trans Atlantic flight would do them in! One step at a time though….

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